Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's A Funny Story, Actually

Because I've been blogging these past few weeks without internet, but for some reason they started showing up stupid. They looked like all symbols and stuff. It kind of pissed me off to be honest. I was blogging every single day. Except for two, I think.

But these past two days, I've been really upset. Like "on the verge of tears" today especially. I have no idea why. I think it's having to do with the play. I hate to say it, but I'm absolutely terrified that I won't get the part I want, but even more terrified that I won't be able to do the part if I do get it.

I'm all caught up with Big Bang Theory, Glee and Survivor now. I just need to get caught up with Doctor and Awkward. In other news, I wrote a poem.

I don't feel well. I'm upset, and I just want to go to bed, but I have to go on WorkBrain and find out my schedule, to see if I can get off for Saturday for a wedding. Meh.

I want to cry, and I have absolutely no reason why. And that rhymes. Which pisses me off.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Packed My Lightsaber

What am I going to do in dire situations? I'll have to be cunning and defend myself with only my brain. Second day of school today, it was pretty much the same, though I didn't have lunch.

However! After school I had a job interview for AMC. They said they'll call if I get the job. Wouldn't that be lovely? I think the interview went well, and I really hope that I get it. It's a really great job...

I haven't had dinner yet. My parents are out, I 'm hungry and exhausted. I packed everything in my room, aside from clothes for the next three days and like my cell phone and it's charger. Everything is gone. My room is so bare, it's like a skeleton.

Moving day is Saturday, I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

So, today was the highly anticipated first day of school. New classes, new teachers, and a whole year of learning and fun. Minus the fun. After sitting with some of my friends from Advisory for an hour and a half, I got to go to my first period study hall. I really like having a study hall first period, it's great. I think I might drop it so I can do a "chill in Niz's room" first period.

Second period I have Poetry. I'm going to love that class. I know everyone already, Michael is the teacher, and it's going to be so fantastic. I'm really excited. Then is Sign Language, which is really weird. The teacher is deaf, so we're not aloud to talk at all during that class, and like keep our phones at the front of the room and stuff.

Fourth period is going to be the worst. I have Calculus, and it's just going to be dreadful and hard. If I stay on top of my work. Fifth period I have Acting, which is going to be great, and then I have my AP english class, which is going to be a lot of fun. Then I have lunch with my best friends, followed by Physics.

The classes are going to be fine, and I'm just going to have to work really hard. Luckily for me, we have until Monday to memorize our monologues. Which is preferable.

Thank the lord, the last first day is done.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer Work

Finally finished. THANK THE LORD. First day tomorrow, need sleep.


Sunday, September 4, 2011


I don't understand this assignment. I have to do ten journals, write an essay, finish a math packet and memorize a monologue by Tuesday. Great.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Well, That Was Dumb.

Becaue of Irene we go an extra few days before school. But now I have two days, and I have the same amount as last week. Stupid. As result, I'm not allowing mself to go on Tumblr or facebook, or even watch tonight's Doctor Who. I will get it done.

I just hope it doesn't kill me first.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Quick One

Happy with the choice I made towards relationships this year. And I'm determined.

Today we packed.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September!

It's September first, the day I was supposed to start my senior year in high school. It's also the day that the Hogwarts Express leaves London. Not that that's at all relevant, I'm just hoping that my Pottermore e-mail will come sometime today. That'd be great.

So today was spent playing Jak and Daxter. And packing. But mostly playing Jak and Daxter. I know, I know "Siobhan, you just got awarded an extra whole week of summer! Shouldn't you be using it to try and get all of your summer work done?"

I had another crazy vivid dream last night, just as i predicted. This one involved the un-dead, David Tennant, boarding-school-acting-high-school-which-was-kinda-shaped-like-DHS, me playing soccer horribly, people getting shot by a guy in a car, this stupid kid from my school, and this girl who was a genius and was like "College? Oh, I haven't been to college since I was five."

Better than the dream the night before. I was angry with people when I woke up from that dream.

But now I'm going to go to bed, because I'm still trying to train myself to get up early.

Hoping for another dream?